Social Entrepreneur, Investor, Mentor, Former Financial Markets Executive
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Rodolfo (Rudi) Fischer is a social entrepreneur, investor, mentor, and former financial markets executive.
From his birth until 2012, Rudi had an uneventful life, having had roles in different countries and institutions. A civil engineer (Escola Politécnica, USP, 1984) and MS in management (Sloan School, MIT, 1990), he worked for 28 years at Banco Itaú as treasurer and member of its executive committee.
Rudi was a director of the Traders Association for the Emerging Markets (EMTA), member of the Foreign Exchange Committee (FXC), New York Fed, chairman of CIP, Brazilian Interbank Payment Chamber, board member of the Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&F), director of the National Association of Financial Market Institutions (ANDIMA), and a professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas PEC.
In 2012, the loss of his daughter right after his self-retirement brought him a second life, between dreams of a post professional career and nightmares of a forever lost reason for being. Rudi decided to try to make a difference in a country full of contrasts and needs. He founded Associação Anna Laura (accessibility, health, social logistics), became a social activist in different NGOs, and mentor to social entrepreneurs.
Today, he is a startup investor, advisor, and entrepreneur, member of the boards of MAM (Museum of Modern Art, SP), MSLAO (MIT Sloan Latin America Office), FJLES (Sabará Hospital), senior representative of ICMA, International Capital Markets Association, among others.
Rudi loves history, early music, different cultures, and traveling. He and his beloved wife, Claudia, have two healthy young boys.
DCI Partner: Claudi Petlik Fischer