Board Director, Advisor, Writer/Editor
Boulder, CO

Jane McConnellWhen she’s not hiking with friends in Boulder, Colorado, skiing with her four adult kids or tending goats or bees, Jane McConnell is a community volunteer with a focus on education.

Jane serves on the Advisory Council of the Stanford Graduate School of Education and on the board of Intercambio, which connects immigrants to volunteer teachers to learn English. She chaired The Community Foundation Boulder County board, co-founding the School Readiness committee, and Dream Big, a collective impact initiative to close the education achievement gap in Boulder County. She co-founded ELPASO (Engaged Latino Parents Advancing Student Outcomes), which has grown from a grassroots program to a statewide nonprofit. As chair of the board of I Have a Dream Boulder County she helped raise funds for a new class every year. Each summer she brings up to ten Stanford students to Boulder through the Education Achievement Fellowship to serve at non-profits focused on closing the achievement gap. Jane is a member of the Stanford LEAD council and the International Women’s Forum.

In her career as a writer and editor, Jane was publisher and editor of Women’s Sports & Fitness Magazine, co-authored the book Natural Family Living, and was a travel and fitness writer for magazines such as Sunset and Outside.

Jane has a BA in English from Stanford. She is married to TJ Heyman (Stanford ’81 and ’85).