Yoga Instructor & Professional Singer
San Francisco, California
Rocky has pursued three main interests throughout his life; music performance, sales and management, Yoga and mindfulness.
Upon graduation with a BA in Vocal Performance from Lewis & Clark College, Rocky immediately began performing in Germany, England and the west coast of the US for the next seven years. After returning to school to study radio and television, he launched a 20 year career in radio, advancing through sales, management and ultimately Station Manager of various formats.
After leaving radio he returned to his first career, singing and acting with a goal of raising one million dollars for charity with his performances. He has created multiple shows of the Great American Songbook featuring Cole Porter, The Gershwin Brothers, Irving Berlin and more. Rocky recorded his Cole Porter CD, Easy to Love with the Portland Chamber Orchestra. More at Rocky’s website:
Rocky has been a Yoga practitioner for 25 years with a focus on teaching the last five years. The practice of Yoga coupled with a lifelong interest in spirituality has given his life added meaning and purpose. He is passionate about the integration of Body, Mind and Spirit, especially in older adults. Rocky is a nationally certified Yoga instructor and will soon receive Kundalini teacher certification.
Rocky and Rich Royse just celebrated their 25th anniversary and have lived in Portland, Palm Springs, Palo Alto and now San Francisco and Gleneden Beach, Oregon.
Fellow: Richard Royse