Engaging with Communities

DCI Racial Justice and Equity Initiatives
Following the rise in police brutality and protests occurring across the country during the summer of 2020, DCI established the Racial Justice and Equity Initiative. The Initiative, identified and presented by James White (DCI 2018), quickly grew across DCI cohorts past, present and future. Each initiative strives to tackle not only local, but global issues in this area.
The Community Initiatives group is engaged with the XPRIZE Foundation. Highlights of their work can be viewed here. The groups have also partnered with The Hidden Genius Project, UpTogether, and more.
In early 2021, a colloquium, Systemic Racism in America and its Impacts on Individuals, Institutions, and Society, was held for the DCI community. Speakers included Rhea Boyd, Clarence B. Jones, Lawrence Sherman and Hannah Valentine. View: Stanford DCI Colloquium: Racial Justice and Equity.
Special Initatives
The dciX Caregiving Innovations Group began meeting in 2020 and will continue through 2023 to develop solutions that will address the needs of older adults and their 48 million unpaid caregivers in the U.S.With support from Pivotal Ventures, the dciX Caregiving Innovations Project released the Landscape of Caregiving Innovations: Bringing Together Caregivers, Innovators, Services and Solutions.

Engaging with Communities
ReMAKE UK A Second Chance for Ex-Offenders
Prison – You may be confined by it, do not be defined by it. As a former judge and lawyer, Kameel Khan (DCI 2017) knows this to be true. He has transferred and modified Stanford’s Project ReMade to the United Kingdom to provide ex-offenders an opportunity to establish a new life.
Doing Small Things in Great Ways
It is easy to be overwhelmed by the current social issues facing our communities. “Most people think, ‘I can’t make a difference, so why do anything?’ The truth is everyone can do something – no matter how small. Collectively small efforts add up to significant change,” remarks Dianne Millner (DCI 2018).
Transforming Corporate Culture in a Race-Conscious World
A passionate champion for inclusion and diversity, James White (DCI 2018) reflects on launching the DCI Racial Justice & Equity initiative with the influence and continued support of his DCI colleagues.
Making a Difference in Higher Education
Stanford’s DCI has played a leading role in the formation and growth of the Nexel Collaborative, a nonprofit networking alliance established to shift the landscape of higher education to serve a longer, healthier lifespan. Inspired by the DCI’s core concepts, midlife transition programs are underway at post-secondary schools across North America and Europe. Members meet regularly to share ideas, inspiration, best practices, and valuable resources. By offering public forums and presentations at academic conferences, Nexel is uniquely positioned to accelerate the advancement of college-based midlife transition programs globally.
Nexel’s Advisory Committee consists of leaders from Stanford, Notre Dame, University of Minnesota, Indiana University Kokomo, and University of Waterloo.