Colin Barrow
Investment manager, and former Leader of Westminster Council (executive mayor)Partner: Ana BarrowSt. Prex, Switzerland

Katie Connor
Executive Director, Career Development Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado BoulderBoulder, CO

Tammy Crown
Vice-Chair, Teach for America – Bay Area; Director, World Wildlife Fund; Former Vice President of Strategy, Charles Schwab and CompanySan Francisco, CA

Cynthia Cwik
Former Partner at Jones Day, Former Chair, American Bar Association Section of Science and Technology LawSan Diego, CA

Melissa Dyrdahl
Former Chief Marketing Officer, Adobe Systems, and former CEO, Ella HealthLos Altos Hills, CA

Le Roy “Terry” Eakin
Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus, EYA, LLC; and Founding Chair of DC Prep Public Charter SchoolsPartner: Lindsay McKelvie EakinBethesda, MD

Yasmin Halima
Global Health, Gender Activist and President of the Yasmin Leadership AcademyWashington, D.C.

Pradeep K. Jaisingh
Founder and Chairman, Healthstart. Founder-Director, International Oncology and Managing Trustee, Outcancer FoundationNoida, India

William “Bill” King
Back 40 Group, Investor and Entrepreneur, former Managing Director, JP Morgan and Citadel Asset ManagementPartner: Lesley KingOld Greenwich, CT

Jodee Kozlak
Founder and CEO Kozlak Capital Partners LLCPartner: Nick KozlakPalo Alto, CA and Minneapolis, MN

Jill Lafer
Former Board Chair of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, EntrepreneurPartner: Barry LaferNew York City, NY

Ernie Parizeau
Former Venture Capitalist, Adjunct Professor, Middlebury CollegePartner: Kim Collins ParizeauWellesley, MA

Laura Peterson
Executive Vice Chair and Board Director, Palladyne AI; Vice President, China Business Development, Boeing Commercial Airplanes (former)Seattle, WA

Herb Riband
International healthcare policy advisorPartner: Jeanine Thomas RibandLausanne, Switzerland

Anna L. Waring
Educator, Executive Director (retired), Foundation for a College EducationEast Palo Alto, California