Give for Impact
In 2022, DCI is preparing for the next phase of programmatic evolution, including the transition of individuals who have founded and shaped the program through this moment. During this time DCI has sustained its excellence and has successfully recruited the next generation of leaders, including a new Executive Director and Associate Director. In 2022 DCI will witness the transition of its Founding Director and its Research Director, presenting the opportunity to recruit new leaders who could foster the continued integration of DCI into the Stanford community and who can further the excellence of its programs locally and globally.
This is the moment to launch the Plan to Secure the Future of DCI. This is the time to think boldly and to secure the resources that will bring DCI to ever greater levels of relevance and impact. It is hoped that the goals of this Plan will bring the entire DCI community together to support this unique and special program, the communities it serves, and the impact on the broader Stanford community.
The Plan to Secure the Future of DCI is designed to provide long-term sustainable funding and operational support for DCI through the following designated Funds.
Give to DCI

Faculty Directorship
This fund will provide ongoing funding, through a 10-year expendable endowment, for the recruitment and retention of a Faculty Director with a record of superior scholarly accomplishment, as well as experience building
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relationships and forging partnerships across the University community. The Faculty Director will continue to play a leading role in the strategic direction of DCI, including program design and expansion, and collaboration with faculty and University partners. The Faculty Director also serves as an ambassador for DCI to the University community and beyond, and plays an important role in building relationships and identifying areas for partnership on strategic University initiatives. This fund will allow us to recruit and retain future faculty leaders who are passionate about the program and can continue to expand and enrich DCI’s contributions to Stanford and beyond.
This fund will provide financial support for salary/stipend to sustain the DCI Faculty Director position for up to 10-years.

Research & Innovation
This expendable fund will enable the new Faculty Director and DCI team to continue to pursue innovations to extend the DCI concept to new areas and demographics across the Stanford ecosystem and beyond. New educational
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models and the changing nature of work have dramatically expanded opportunities as well as the demand for transitional and working-learner programs, in the U.S. and abroad. As a founding member of the Nexel Collaborative, Stanford has played a leading role in sharing information and best practices for mid-life transition programs with institutions from community colleges to large public universities across the globe. This fund will support ongoing outreach and research, as well as the development of data and case studies regarding the benefits to individuals, institutions, and societies provided by these types of programs.
As program needs and interests evolve, this fund will allow the new Faculty Director and team to pursue new areas of research, fund additional partnerships with Stanford Centers and Institutes, support new
avenues for intergenerational learning, and enhance opportunities for alumni and community engagement more broadly.

IDEAL Scholarships
The DCI IDEAL Fund, launched in Fall 2021, builds on the work of the 2015 Class to enhance the diversity of DCI. This account provides expendable funds aligned with the goals of Stanford to provide an inclusive, diverse,
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equitable and accessible learning environment (IDEAL) within the Distinguished Careers Institute (DCI). Distributions from the Fund will provide financial support to DCI Fellows to cover their program fees and other academic, cultural and extra-curricular expenses associated with participation in the program. These funds will allow DCI to recruit and attract diverse candidates through scholarships and stipends, as needed. Preference will be given to candidates who enhance the diversity of the program consistent with the goals of Stanford’s IDEAL initiative.

General Fund
The DCI General Fund provides expendable funds for use by DCI leadership to support ongoing operations and program improvement. These funds can be used for events such as the Community Celebration and dinners for
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Fellows and alumni, community engagement opportunities, guest speakers, curriculum development or other program needs, including staffing. Funds from this account will be allocated to the areas of highest need and priority, as determined by DCI and campus leadership
Development Team
Please feel free to reach out to Katie or Phil, as well as any of our outstanding DCI volunteers with questions about the Plan to Secure the Future of DCI and how you can help. We are also fortunate to have Howie Pearson and Leslie Strate from Stanford’s Office of Development, supporting our team and available to help.
DCI Community Leadership Team
- Mike Dorsey, Co-Chair (DCI’18)
- Charles Froland, Co-Chair (DCI’18)
- MJ Elmore (DCI’15)
- Carl Johnson (DCI’17)
- Barry Lafer (DCI’18/19)
- Ned Spieker (DCI’16)
DCI Class Representatives
- 2015: Sue Carter, MJ Elmore
- 2016: David Gensler, Anne Kenner
- 2017: Carl Johnson, Anne McNulty
- 2018: Mike Dorsey, Charles Froland
- 2018/2019: Laura Peterson, Ernie Parizeau
- 2019: Janet McKinley, Tarun Jotwani
- 2020: Sindy Braun, Lofton Holder
- 2021: Julie Nordstrom, Rob Rebitzer
International Representatives
- 2017: Anju Patwardan, Singapore
- 2018: Maïté Arango, Spain, and Rodrigo Xavier, Brazil
- 2018/19: Herb Riband, Switzerland
- 2019: Andy Phillipps, UK
- 2020: Gui Lins, Switzerland
Thank You to Our DCI IDEAL Fund Donors
- Maria Amundson
- Margrit Benton
- Katie Connor
- Tammy Crown
- William Crown
- Cynthia Cwik
- Mimi Dunne
- Leroy Eakin
- Lindsay Eakin
- Linda Goldberg
- Rich Goldberg
- Lofton Holder
- Carl Johnson
- Melanie Karsen
- Perry Karsen
- Jack Keene
- Anne Kenner
- Kenneth King
- Wanda Kownacki
- Jodee Kozlak
- Nick Kozlak
- Elliot Krane
- Barry Lafer
- Jill Lafer
- Bill Meehan
- Mark Nelson
- Laura Peterson
- Herb Riband
- Jeanine Riband
- Jim Rowe
- Jim Scopa
- Isaac Stein
- Maddy Stein
- Barbara Van Wollner
- Sean Wheeler
- Howard Wollner
- Randi Zeller
How do I give?
Gifts can be given via the link on the DCI website, found in the top right of each page, Make a Gift to Stanford | Make a Gift.
For gifts not given directly to a DCI Fund through the website, you will need to include the specific Fund Name and/or Fund Account Designation listed above in order to direct your gift to the correct fund.
Instructions regarding how to make a gift – via stock, wire transfer, or other means, such as a Donor Advised Fund – can be found here: How to Make a Gift | Giving to Stanford.
Are donations tax deductible?
All gifts to Stanford University, including to DCI, are tax-deductible gifts to a non-profit institution in the U.S. Stanford’s Tax ID # is 94-1156365.
All donors will receive a gift acknowledgment email from Stanford for tax purposes.
How do I give via check?
If your DAF sponsor is sending a check, please note “DCI FUND NAME, Attention, Leslie Strate” in the reference line, along with a cover letter including your names as the DAF advisors recommending the grant, and mail to: Stanford University, P.O. Box 20466, Stanford, CA 94309-0466
DCI Fund names are as follows:
- Faculty Directorship: GEJGC
- Research and Innovation: GEJGB
- IDEAL Scholarship: GEJEY
- General Fund: GABIA
If you or your DAF sponsor have questions or need additional assistance, please call 866-543-0243 or email For questions specifically about the DCI Funds please contact Leslie Strate at
Can I remain anonymous?
Donors can select to be anonymous or have their names listed on the DCI website or other Stanford or DCI materials at the time you donate.
Can I donate in honor of someone?
Donors can designate their gift “In Honor of” or “In Memory of” someone in the designated area on the giving site.