DCI Community Celebration 2022
Day One – Agenda
Monday, April 11, 2022
12 pm - Community Luncheon
Class Photos:
12:45 pm – Class of 2020
1:00 pm – Class of 2021
1:30 pm - Welcome & DCI Updates
2:15 pm - Faculty Seminar
David Bradford and Carole Robin, GSB faculty and authors of Connect, will share several communication techniques you can apply to develop exceptional relationships – both personal and professional.
3:15 pm – Break
3:30 pm - Conversation & Life Journey Inspiration Award
Sherry Lansing CEO, The Sherry Lansing Foundation in conversation with Phil Pizzo.
Sherry Lansing has earned a reputation as a trailblazer, a visionary leader, and a creative filmmaker. In 1980, she became the first woman to head a major film studio when she was appointed President of 20th Century Fox. Over the past two decades, Sherry has been dedicated to cancer research, health, public education, and career opportunities with The Sherry Lansing Foundation (SLF), a nonprofit organization she established in 2005.
Read Sherry Lansing’s full bio
5:00 pm – Reception
6:00 pm + Off-site Reunion Dinners arranged by each DCI cohort
Off-site Reunion Dinners:
- The DCI 2015 class dinner will be at the home of MJ Elmore in Palo Alto.
- The DCI 2016 reunion dinner will be hosted at Ned and Carol Spieker’s home.
- The DCI 2017 class dinner will be held at the Stanford Room, a private room at the Stanford Park Hotel for our class dinner, beginning around 6:30 pm.
- The DCI 2018 class will be assembling for dinner at the home of Anne Holloway.
- The DCI 2018-19 dinner will be at Helen and Greg Davidson’s near campus.
Class of 2019 will have their belated “Commencement” dinner on-site.
Day Two – Agenda
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
8:30 am - Mindfulness in the Morning
Start the day with intention. Join Rocky Blumhagen (DCI 2019) for some gentle movement and seated breathwork, followed by a mindfulness and intention-setting session led by Brandel France de Bravo (DCI 2016). No previous experience, special clothing or equipment needed – Just please be on time, as the 50-minute “Wellness in the Moment” session will begin promptly at 8:45 (in Fisher rooms)
8:30 to 10:15 am – Coffee/tea and refreshments available
8:45 am - Campus walk
Gather at the Alumni Center, fill up your water bottle, and take a brisk walk with Mark Clapper (DCI 2018)
9:45 am - Welcome
Opening remarks by Debbie Byron (DCI 2015)
10:00 am - Life Journey 2.0 - Designing Your New Story (post DCI)
Hosted by DCI Speaks and led by Dave Evans, co-founder of the Stanford Life Design Lab, and DCI instructor since 2017, this workshop will provide tools for choosing–and telling – your Life-After-DCI “Journey 2.0” story.
Concurrent session in McCaw
10:00 am - Reflections on a Life in the Creative Arts with Mark Applebaum
Stanford Professor of Music and composer, Mark Applebaum, will discuss his music and the challenges and opportunities presented as he assembled three decades of scores into a large-format publication.
See his Ted Talk: Mark Applebaum: The mad scientist of music
Concurrent session, in Fisher meeting room.
11:30 am – Break
11:45 am - Impact and Engagement Opportunities
dciX and Racial Justice & Equity Initiatives
Additional details to follow.
12:30 pm - Engagement Lunch
Continue the discussion of Impact and Engagement Opportunities over lunch with Initiatives leaders.
12:30 pm - DCI Makers’ Showcase (on display)
Showcasing the amazing talents of our DCI colleagues – written works, art, jewelry, music and more will be on display in McCaw Hall. Many of the artists/makers will be on hand to tell you more about their creative works during Tuesday’s lunch and/or reception.
Sign up here to be included.
1:15 pm - DCI Jeopardy
Join your cohort to compete in the first-ever DCI version of Jeopardy. Test your skills in the Arcane Knowledge of the DCI Fellowship, with questions ginned up by your DCI classmates! May the best class win.
2:00 pm - A Conversation on Transitions
Phil Pizzo in conversation with Paul Costello, Former Chief Communications Officer, Stanford University School of Medicine
3:15 pm – Celebrating DCI – The First Decade!
4:15 to 6:00 pm – Closing Reception and Makers Showcase